
Here are the configuration options, set to the default values, for this service. If you are unsure about where this goes or what this means, we highly recommend scanning the services documentation to get a good handle on how the magicks work.

Also note that options, in addition to the build steps and overrides that are available to every service, are shown below:

    type: node:16
    ssl: false
    command: tail -f /dev/null
    globals: []
    port: 80

Specifying a command

Note that if you do not define a command for this service, it will effectively be a "cli" container (e.g. it will not serve or run an application by default but will be available to run node commands against).

If you want to actually launch a node application, consider setting the command to something as shown below:

    type: node
    command: npm start

Setting a port

While we assume your node service is running on port 80, we recognize that many node app's also run on port 3000 or otherwise. You can easily change our default to match whatever your app needs. If your node service doesn't require an exposed port, you can also set port to false to disable the default port 80 mapping.

Note that if you set either port or ssl to a value less than 1024 then Lando will run the command as root otherwise it will run as the node user which for all intents and purposes is you.

    type: node
    port: 3000

Using SSL

Also note that ssl: true will only generate certs in the default locations and expose port 443. It is up to the user to use the certs and secure port correctly in their application like the node snippet below:

// Get our key and cert
const key = fs.readFileSync('/certs/cert.key')
const cert = fs.readFileSync('/certs/cert.crt'),

// Create our servers
https.createServer({key, cert}, app).listen(443);

// Basic HTTP response
app.get('/', (req, res) => {
  res.header('Content-type', 'text/html');
  return res.end('<h1>I said "Oh my!" What a marvelous tune!!!</h1>');

You can also set ssl to a specific port. This will do the same thing as ssl: true except it will expose the port you specify instead of 443.

    type: node
    port: 3000
    ssl: 4444

Installing global dependencies

You can also use the globals key if you need to install any global node dependenciesopen in new window. This follows the same syntax as your normal package.jsonopen in new window except written as YAML instead of JSON.

Use package.json if you can!

While there are some legitimate use cases to globally install a node dependency, it is almost always preferred to install using your applications normal package.json and then running either lando npm or lando yarn or alternatively setting up a build step that will automatically run before your app starts up.

Note that both lando yarn and lando npm are not provided out of the box by the node service and need to be manually added by configuring your app's tooling.

An example of globally installing the latest gulp-cli is shown below:

    type: node
      gulp-cli: latest
    command: npm start

An example of using a build step to automatically npm install your dependencies before your app invokes yarn start-app is shown below:

    type: node
      - npm install
    command: yarn start-app

Adding tooling commands

By default a service will not do any tooling routing for you but you can add helpful lando commands.

    service: myservice
    service: myservice

You can then invoke them on the command line.

lando node
lando yarn

Lando tooling is actually pretty powerful so definitely check out the rest of its cool features.

Adding routing

By default a service will not do any proxy routing for you but you can add your own.

    - something.else.local

Lando proxying is actually pretty powerful so definitely check out the rest of its cool features.